Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Using video as a recruiting tool - Business Management Daily

by Lindsay Stanton

employee filming video

To stand out in today?s fast-paced world, organizations are realizing the importance of creating a compelling and engaging recruitment and employment branding strategy.

Many best-in-class organizations are using video to reach their target audiences in a compelling and professional way. Video creates a deeper level of message comprehension that improves overall understanding and familiarity with your organization.

Seeing is believing

Research suggests that candidates retain 60% more information about your job opening when it?s communicated through video. And they?ll spend five times longer exploring your career site if it includes video, rather than just plain text.

Additional data reveal that candidates are much more effective at self-selecting when they view a video versus a text posting. Increasing a candidate?s understanding about the job will lead to more relevant applicants applying.

Combined with the power driven from a well-done video highlighting your organization?s culture, many employers using video are experiencing significant reduction in prescreening times?more than 20 minutes a candidate.

Videos carry big SEO power

One of the most vital elements to consider when crafting your message is to ensure that you properly communicate your message in a way that appropriately represents your brand.

It?s critical to ensure that job seekers have a clear call to action in the video, as well as the ability to share your messaging with their network of contacts.

Maximizing distribution of the video can be quick and simple. Begin by including your videos in your career site. Post them within your social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), and let the search engines help you.

Google, Yahoo and Bing all index videos at a higher level than text. This means that when a candidate types in keywords to find his or her next career opportunity, your video message takes precedent over text-based job ads. That?s an easy and free way to drive search engine optimization (SEO) to your jobs and your brand. ?

The power of SEO also allows you to show up multiple times on a search. As candidates share your messages, the number of sites that show up on a keyword search continues to grow. Every time your message goes social, you are increasing the number of times you index on Google and other search engines.

This leads to more visibility of your jobs and brand with candidates acting as a third-party validator of your content. Nothing provides more powerful reinforcement of your message than a third-party, unbiased ?Share.?

The ability to leverage video should not end there. It?s important to do in-depth tracking of the video?s impact, as well. Real-time data educate organizations on which websites perform most effectively, allowing you to refine your strategy, which in turn saves time and money.


Lindsay Stanton is the chief client officer at JSTN, the Job Search Television Network, www.myjstn.com. Contact: lstanton@myjstn.com.

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Source: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/33374/using-video-as-a-recruiting-tool-why-how

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